Year 5

Welcome to Year 5

The penultimate year group at St John’s
In Year 5, we are focused on achieving our daily goals and building ourselves for our futures. We work hard to keep our class agreements whilst reflecting on our successes and our next steps. Our goal is to be independent learners who respect each other. We work hard to reflect on what we’ve learned, what we are learning and where we want to go in our learning journey. Together, we move to the next level. Come along with us!

Our Year 5 class topics will be:

-Dynamic Dynasties

Journey with us as we venture back into Ancient history. We will discover why the Shang dynasty was a very prolific dynasty within ancient China. We will explore the lasting legacy of the first five Chinese dynasties, some of which can still be seen in the world today. Our class book for this topic will be  “Dragon Mountain” written by Kevin Tsang.

-Sow, Grow and Farm

Together, we will explore the features and characteristics of land use in agricultural regions across the world, including a detailed exploration of significant environmental areas. We will learn about will learn about allotments in the United Kingdom, food webs, world farming, importing food and how climate zones affect food production. Our class book for this topic will be much-loved children’s text, ‘Charlotte’s Web’ by E.B. White.

-Groundbreaking Greeks

Venture with us back to 776BC  to the first ever olympic games and beyond. We will learn about about developments and changes over six periods of ancient Greek history, focusing on the city state of Athens in the Classical age, and exploring the lasting legacy of ancient Greece.

Some of the fantastic activities your child will enjoy in Year 5

Weekly music lessons including drumming

Weekly swimming lessons

Regular use of chrome books

Weekly Italian lessons

Creative Curriculum workshops and trips

Oakleigh Special School visits

Nursery Buddies

Main roles in the Christmas Nativity performed at Church

Incredible extra curricular clubs such as choir, football, netball and tag rugby and a chance to be in the school teams

Meet Our Staff

Meet the Year 5 Team

Year 5 Teacher

Mrs Horne

Mrs Mariou


Mrs Becker & Mrs Mansfield

Teaching Assistants

Visit our Gallery!

Some of our latest projects and pictures