Year 4

Welcome to Year 4


Welcome to year 4

Thank you for visiting our year 4 page. Here you will find our termly updates.

As mathematicians, we will deepen our knowledge of fractions and decimals. Learners will explore the definitions of key vocabulary such as tenths and hundredths. Mathematicians will solve problems involving partitioning and comparing.

As readers and writers we will explore ‘Lost Happy Endings’ and ‘Secrets of a Sun King’. On Tuesdays we explore Picture News. On Wednesdays, learners will retrieve and infer from the information to develop their comprehension skills. DEAR (Drop everything and read) will take place on Wednesday and Thursday afternoons.

Our topic is Ancient Civilisations. During this topic children will learn about the history of three of the world’s first ancient civilisations: ancient Sumer, ancient Egypt and the Indus Valley civilisation. Children will learn about the rise, life, achievements and eventual end of each civilisation.

Please remember we have P.E on Tuesdays and Swimming on Fridays.

Some of the enriching activities your child will enjoy in Year 4

Cooking with Mrs Becker

Fortnightly use of chromebooks

 Weekly swimming class

Creative Curriculum workshops and trip

Visits to Age UK Barnet

 Specialist weekly art session

Weekly Italian lessons

Weekly drumming lessons

Regular class singing sessions

Meet Our Staff

Meet our Y4 teacher and support staff

Miss Brannan

Mrs Becker

Mrs Becker

Teacher Assistant