School Sports Page

We love our sport at St John’s and every child in the school has the chance to explore their potential in a wide range of physical activities. Whether informally during playtime, in a PE or swimming lesson, at after school and lunchtime clubs or representing the school at festivals and tournaments, there are plenty of opportunities for students to learn and show exactly what they can do. 


Participation is a key element in everything we do in school sport. Our aim is to get every child playing and enjoying sport whether on our MUGA (multi-use games area), our basketball court, our swimming pool, our hall or the local park.  Children will also have a number of opportunities throughout their time at St John’s to take part in festivals, tournaments and competitive leagues organised by our friends at Barnet Partnership for School Sport. There should be no barriers to participation and our innovative sensory circuit and attendance at Barnet Bar No One events means that our SEN children are never excluded from suitable opportunities. The children also take part in gym tests, skipping challenges, cross country trials, as well as a different sports enrichment activity for every academic year. 


Our PE curriculum introduces the children to an exciting and challenging variety of sports and disciplines including decision-making and tactics, dance, gymnastics, hockey, netball, tag rugby and athletics. We are always competitive in the leagues in which we take part and in 2023-24 our netball and football teams (boys and girls) all finished in the top three in their pools. One of the most notable performances by one of our teams came in the Barnet Basketball championships, in which we finished as runners-up and silver medallists. We always have a strong team of athletes competing in both cross-country and track and field events throughout the year. Festivals organised by BPSS also give children the chance to get a taste of taking part in events such as badminton, golf, dodgeball and football in a fun and encouraging environment. 


Girls and boys will always be given equal opportunity to take part and relish sport in our school. Our children have a passion for sport and we will continue to do everything we can to help fully enable their physical literacy and development.