Year 3

Welcome to Year 3

We are a team. Together we learn; together we move forward.

Thank you for visiting the Year 3 page. Here you will find termly updates on what children will be learning.


In Maths, children will be learning about statistics shape and time.

Our topic this term is, “Emperors and Empires”. Children will learn about the Romanisation of Britain focusing on towns, invention and Christianity.

In Literacy, children will be reading and listening to lots of different types of poetry in lessons. You can help with this by reading lots of poems together at home too. They will learn about different forms of poetry, such as acrostics, kenning poems, narrative poems and more.

Year 3 News

Some of the fantastic activities your child will enjoy in the Year 3

 Weekly use of Chromebooks

Weekly specialist art lessons

Half-termly trip related to our topic

 Weekly swimming class

Weekly Italian lessons

Weekly ‘Yes Programme’

Learning games on Chromebooks

Weekly singing sessions

Meet Our Staff

Meet our Year 3 teachers and support staff!

Ms Coleman

Year 3 Class Teacher
Mr Newman

Mr Newman

Teaching Assistant