School Meals

We provide hot, healthy meals for our children, prepared freshly in our kitchen each day. All of the eggs we used in our meals are free range and our vegetarian options are approved by the Vegetarian Society. Our menus use local, British, seasonally sourced produce wherever possible.

The menu choices for the summer term can be seen on the attached document.

Free School Meals
If you think your child may be eligible for a free school meal, just pop to the office and have a chat with Mrs. Toth or Mrs Kidd, who will be happy to help.

Packed Lunch
If you would prefer to prepare  your own meals for your child, you can request that you child bring in their own packed lunch. Packed lunches will be stored in the main hall until dinner time and should contain a healthy balanced meal.

Occasionally when the children go on a school trip, they will need to be provided with a packed lunch. If your child usually receives a School Dinner, you will be refunded for any meals not taken at the end of each term.

Lunch Changes
As we have to order the correct amount of food each term, we request that changes between School Meals and Packed Lunches be made 2 weeks before the end of each term. This allows us to change our food ordering and helps to reduce food waste.

We are a nut free school
Due to some children suffering from nut allergies, our school operates a nut free policy. Please ensure when preparing packed lunches that your meals are nut free. This includes sandwich spreads, biscuits and snacks that may contain nuts. Thank you for your consideration and help with this issue.