Pupil Voice

Pupil Voice

A chance for our pupils to lead their peers
We like to give our children their own voice and the opportunity to take part in a variety of groups. This page will soon provide links to specific pupil-led pages where the children can update you on their most recent activity.

In addition to regular meetings throughout the school year of the groups mentioned below, we are also keen to know the views of our pupils on a wide range of subjects. We met most recently with children from year groups 2 through to 6 to canvass their views on RE and Collective Worship here at school. We will once again survey the children’s views later in the school year to explore their feelings about their learning and school life in general. These surveys, formal and informal, provide valuable information to inform our practice and decision making. Such findings will be shared with you, the parents, in due course.

  Junior Travel Ambassadors

  School Council

  Green Council

  Bronze Sports Ambassadors

School Council Representatives


Student Council

The Student Council’s message
We have worked hard this year to ensure that our peers have a say and to give back to the school’s community. Our focus this year has been about our students’ health. With holding regular meetings we are able to stay committed to providing ideas to help St John’s.

Here are some projects that we have been involved in:

Pyjama day where we raised money for the school. We held this day to encourage a healthy sleeping pattern.

The Student Council have also helped with food tasting

And now an Art Competition! All contestants will have 3 weeks, starting on 26 May, 2017. School council will judge on the best 3 pieces of artwork promoting healthy eating!

Green Council Representatives
