
For an overview of ATTENDANCE information (legal requirements, school expectations, Local Authority & Department for Education guidance), please click on the link below:

The Start of the Day
Regular attendance and a prompt start to each day is essential. We aim for high standards of attendance and punctuality; parents and carers must  therefore ensure that children arrive at school in time for a prompt start at 8.50 am. External classroom doors are locked at 8.55am, gates at 9am. Please report to the school office to register your child’s attendance from 8.55am. Arrivals from 9 am will be recorded as ‘late’ in the class register.

The End of the Day
The school day finishes at 3:20pm for nursery and infant children and 3:25pm for the juniors. We expect parents and carers to collect their children promptly. If parents are going to be delayed or someone else is collecting your child, it is essential that you inform the class teacher or the school office.
The school offers a wide range of after school activities for children of different ages. Most clubs end at 4.30 pm but please check individual club finishing times as they do vary. Please ensure that children are collected on time. Parents, carers and siblings are not expected to remain in the school building during activities – there is no provision for this. Access to and from the building after school is via the playground and hall door.

The School Year
The school year is divided into three terms.  Each term concludes with a holiday and has a short half-term break in the middle. The school will be closed on national bank holidays and on five other occasions during the year for staff training (Inset days). Term dates and Inset days are published at the start of the summer term.

Planned Absence
Non urgent medical appointments should be made out of school hours. If this is not possible, children are expected to attend school before and after appointments as appropriate. Please complete an ‘application for special leave’ form in such circumstances.

When are children permitted to miss school?
1. During illness but not for minor complaints
2. For religious observance
3. For family bereavement and
4. For any other unavoidable cause

Requests for Absence
All requests for absence must be approved by the head teacher and permission must be sought in writing and well in advance. An ‘application for special leave’ form must be completed and permission granted before any arrangements are made. The ‘application for special leave’ form can be obtained from the school office or downloaded using the link below: