
Our Admissions Policy

Come and visit us to see what makes St. John’s so special
We run parent tours frequently throughout the year.  Dates for the autumn term are as follows:

  • 12th September 2024
  • 3rd October 2024
  • 7th November 2024
  • 28th November 2024
  • 12th December 2024

If you are looking to choose a school for your son or daughter, this is a chance for you to find out more about our school.

The tour begins at St Johns Church with the Rector, Rev’d Dagmar Wilkinson, at 9.00 am. This is followed by a guided tour of the school with a governor and a meeting with the head teacher.

To book your tour, contact the school office on 020 8368 1154 or via email at

Please note that we are unable to accommodate children unless they are babies in arms/slings.  Once  your place has been confirmed please ensure that you notify the school if you are not able to attend so that your place can be offered to another parent on the waiting list.

The admissions process for the Reception Class (5 year olds) is managed by the local authority on behalf of the governors. Please ensure that you submit a supplementary information form (SIF) to the school (see attachments) and that you also apply directly through the local authority using their online application system. Application for the nursery (3 and 4 year olds) is managed by the school so please apply directly. Application forms are attached.

Please contact the school office if you require further advice.

Occasionally places become available in the main school other than at the normal point of entry. These are called in-year admissions. Please contact the school office for further information if you are planning to move into the area or seeking a move for your child.

  Inclusive learning environment

  A caring, family atmosphere

  An Ofsted Good School
